New Student Assessment- Video Swing Analysis

New Student Assessment- Video Swing Analysis

Using the latest in video technology, we analysis and compare your swing with your favorite swings on tour.  We then talk about your long and short term goals, evaluate your time constraints, budget, physical and mental attributes.  Put a plan together customized to this information and work together to attain these specific goals.

This consultation process is very important as it allows the individual to really see what is going wrong with their swing and not the perception of what they think is wrong.  It also gives the golfer an opportunity to hear what the instructor has to say, his swing and teaching philosophies and ability to communicate, before you invest time and money in a series of lessons.

This will be the best $75 investment in the improvement of your golf swing.  If at worse you will educate yourself with the true reasons on your inconsistant ball striking.


60 min-    $75